Sunday, October 16, 2011

Leaves have left the Building

I had some people in the gallery Saturday that were

very interested in buying a piece. They were interested

in some of the colored pencil pieces so I showed them

several ( some tootsie pops, pinwheels, sunglasses,

and suckers). Then they wanted to see some of the

photos on canvas, and they looked at some of the Paris

images, Greek images, and finally, this Costa Rica photo

of some fallen leaves. And this is the one they left with!

I always like it when the viewer has some response or

reaction to the piece, and then they end up taking it

home. It is my hope that they will enjoy it for many

years, and feel good when they see it.

Most artists have a story behind their work, and if I get

the chance, I enjoy sharing the stories with the customers.

I believe it to be a selling point sometimes, because if they

relate to the story or like it, they will repeat it when other

viewers see the piece. They seemed to enjoy my story

about seeing these leaves in Costa Rica, floating in the

pond, artfully arranged by God. I stood on a bridge over

them, and photographed them. Then I reached down

and re-arranged them several times and took some more.

This image was the original, and the one I liked the best.

My feeble attempts to arrange them were no match for

the random pattern made when they fell.

I guess you could read some spiritual meaning into all

that....It is always much better when God arranges elements

in our lives instead of us. We just need to learn to recognize

His hand, and leave things alone! Hope you have had a

blessed Sunday.

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