Sunday, April 22, 2012

people of peru

feeding the pigeons outside the monastery
(Mary Poppins?)

The happy "mariposa" man...I
bought two from him!

Carrying his burden along the beach
some school children...adorable
It is always interesting to see how other people
live in other parts of the world. 
We passed the little school children in Lima. 
 They were getting on a bus for a field trip. 
Our guide told us that they are taken to many of
the historic sites in town so that they will develop
a love for their country.

The peasant on the beach was carrying some of
his goods into town to sell.

The butterfly man was outside the cathedral. 
The little paper butterflies can be wound up,
and when released, they flutter through the
air.  He put them inside a book, and when you
opened it, it flew out!  I may keep one in my
sketchbook...good idea

And the little girl feeding the pigeons was all
dressed up, and so happy to be in the midst of
all the birds.  very charming...

We are now in Cusco, and I plan to do some
painting tomorrow..will try to post the results.

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