Sunday, August 17, 2014

Painted Pelican

Finally getting to paint some Galapagos subjects..yea!  I had
some great pics of a brown pelican, so I decided to start there.
These birds live along the coast in Louisiana; in fact, they are our
state bird.  They were endangered at one time, but they have made a
strong comeback.  They were recently affected by the BP oil spill, and several
oil laden pelicans made the news.  We may not ever know the full effects of
the oil spill.  But I am glad to see these guys healthy and flying around when
I visit down south...either here or in the Galapagos islands!

I will add a background to this watercolor.  I am going to cover up this bird with
the masking fluid that will protect it.  Then I will paint the whole background
in a looser style.  Once dry, I will remove the masking fluid, and add any needed
details.  Here I go!

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